Weil mir grad extrem langweilig ist (und euch sicher auch ;P), da sich in den frühen Monaten des Jahres einfach noch nichts austauschjahr-bezüglich (wow, was'n wort) tut, langweile ich euch jetzt mit meinem Student Letter. Also dem Brief an die Gastfamilie ... naja könnte ja für Hopees ganz interessant sein.
Dear Host Family, I am Alexandra and first of all I want to thank you for giving me the chance to become an exchange student in the "country of the boundless possibilities" and to take part in your daily life. Now I want to tell you something about me and my life. I come from Germany and I live with my mom, my stepfather, my older sister and my two cats. I also have two step-siblings but they have their own apartments. I'm 15 years old. On a typical school day I get up at 5:30 a.m. and breakfast with my family. The school starts at 7:30 a.m. I need only 5 minutes by bike to school. This is very practical. I have got between six and eight lessons per day. One lesson takes 45 minutes. We have always three lessons and then a break of 20 minutes. My favorite subjects are English, Spanish and geography. Of course there are also subjects I dislike for example physics and chemistry but I like going to school because I meet all my friends there and lessons are very interesting in the subjects I like. With my French class I spent a week in France where I took part in an exchange program. We spent one week with another family. We saw a lot of things and I really enjoyed it there even though we had a bad weather. The school ends about 3:30 p.m. for me. When I arrive at home my mom and my stepfather are still working. My mother works as an archivist and my stepfather works as a motor mechanic. So I'm alone or I invite my best friends for an hour. Then we start to cook and to talk rubbish or we watch TV and laugh a lot. Anyway we always have fun. When my friends are gone I do my homework and learn for school until my parents come home. Then we have dinner together and talk about the day. Afterwards I sometimes watch TV or go to bed and read. Our school doesn't offer many activities but every Tuesday I go to a "musical club" which takes place in a School for Creative and Performing Arts. I love the musical club. We dance, sing and act and in the end of the year we have a great performance with an audience of several hundred people. This is so exhausting and exciting but I just love it to be on stage. Occasionally I also ride horses. I love horses but I have too little time and we do not have a horse farm around. On weekend I meet my friends and then we go shopping, sing karaoke, have a DVD evening or just a girls' night. I think I need people around me but sometimes it's all haywire and then I need time for myself just to relax and calm down. Then I enjoy reading a book, listening to music or just watching TV. My friends often describe me as sociable and warmhearted. They say my best qualities are my helpfulness, my intuition and my kindness. Certainly I also have failings. Sometimes I'm a little bit too communicative (for example in the lessons) and my parents say I'm a bit messy. I don't know exactly what I want to become, but I think about studying media design. But first I want to see as much as possible of the world. I don't know exactly when I discovered my enthusiasm for America but I think it was around four years ago when I realized that all the TV series, all the great actors and actress and all the cool technology come from America. Then I heard about the "American Way of Life" and the "school spirit" and I was avid. This impressed me and I knew that I wanted to go to the U.S.A. So now you know a little bit about me and why I want to visit your country. I hope now it's easier for you to make a decision. And again a huge "Thanks" for thinking about to take an exchange student. Sincerely yours, Alexandra bla bla bla ! Ich weiß auch nicht, warum ich damals so'n langweiligen Mist geschrieben habe. Als ob meine Gastfamilie das deutsche Schulsystem jetzt so brennend interessieren würde -.- Ich hab eigentlich viel zu unpersönlich geschrieben ,finde ich heute.Naja sh*t happens , was solls . Mit diesem unheimlich poetischen Satz verabschiede ich mich heute ;) |
9. Februar 2011 um 05:20
Ich mag deinen Brief :)
Ich hab auch das Schulsystem erklärt, was ich mittlerweile bereue :D
14. Februar 2011 um 08:45
ich mag deinen brief! verglichen mit deinem hab ich so viel unnötige gülle geschrieben, aber naja. wie gesagt, kann man ja nicht mehr ändern. ;D